She Wants It All: Book Three of the Sheridan Hall Series Page 3
“Oh, come on. Please? I’m desperate here.” I use my singing voice and flash my rock star grin. “Help me, all-knowing basement dweller.”
She squints at me. “Don’t you smile at me.”
I smile harder.
She waves her arms. “Oh fine. Maggie’s goals? She wants romance, like the kind she reads about in her novels.”
“I’m screwed.” Romance isn’t really my thing.
Megan laughs. “Don’t you see how novel-worthy this is already?”
“Bribing her roommate to hook me up?”
She reaches over the bike to shove me again. “By a twist of fate, your dream girl is yours tonight. If I hadn’t passed out a few months ago, and you hadn’t saved me and become my friend, maybe this wouldn’t be happening. It’s fate.”
I grimace, remembering the day I found Megan outside of Sheridan, teetering and about to hit the pavement. I carried her inside, and a bond was formed. “Whatever.”
“Whatever,” she mimics, reminding me again of my gaggle of sisters. “Well, either way, you have no reason to worry. You’re already doing great without even trying.”
I reach over the bike and tug a strand of her hair. “Can I buy you breakfast in exchange for more secrets?”
She swipes at my hand. “No more secrets. But breakfast sounds nice.”
Meg and I chow down on a semi-healthy breakfast and talk sports. Her dad is a famous retired football player, and she has a million stories. After we part ways, I ride to the bookstore and wait for the doors to open. At precisely nine o’clock, a tired looking young lady with a nametag that reads “Brenda” unlocks the door and asks if she can help me.
I look around to make sure I’m not within earshot of anyone. Rubbing the back of my neck, I tilt my head to her. In a low, creeper voice I ask, “Can you point me to the romance section?”
She raises her eyebrows and studies me for a second. “Are you serious?”
I nod. “I’m serious, Brenda. Help a guy out.”
Shrugging, she turns and calls over her shoulder, “Right this way.” She waves for me to follow, leading me to my how-to manuals.
If Magdalena Patrinski wants a romance novel, a romance novel she shall have.
“I can’t believe you told him I was looking forward to this date.” I bark at Megan as I grab a water bottle out of the lounge fridge. My hair is wet from my shower, and I’m in a T-shirt and yoga pants, afraid to get dressed since I’m sure I’ll spill something on my perfectly planned, all-versatile outfit. “I’m so not. I have a million things to do—papers, finals, the summer internship. I don’t even know where we’re going.”
Megan and Ben sit on the couch, surrounded by open textbooks, with the television blaring in the background. Neither is studying nor listening to me. Some reporter discussing the football draft has their undivided attention.
“Hello?” I slam the fridge door.
Megan jumps as Ben lowers the volume on the television. “You are looking forward to it,” she says. “You’re getting all dressed up. You haven’t been out since…forever. You said you had fun flirting with him the other day. What’s the big deal? It’s just Dave.”
I wave my arms dramatically, my water bottle sloshing around. “Just Dave? The nervous thing was charming, but maybe it’s all part of his ploy. Any second he can turn on the rock star act. What will we even talk about?”
“I think you can handle Dave, Mags.” Ben stacks the books in a pile on the coffee table. “The guy sees you and gets completely stunned. It’s not an act. He’ll probably just sit there and stare at you like a psycho.” Ben chuckles at his own description. “I love that Mr. Rock Star is such a fool around you.”
I cross my arms over my chest. “Okay, Mr. I-Draw-Flowers-On-The-Wall-And-I’m-Totally-Whipped.” In an attempt to win Meg’s heart, Ben had altered the mural on our walls and added a string of daisies connecting him and Meg. I’ll never admit it to Ben, but it was a great move—absolute romantic perfection.
“Am I whipped?” Ben looks at Meg.
I murmur under my breath. “Yeah, you are.” I’m trying not to be too envious that the two of them are so perfect together. Not only do they share the same interests, but they’re completely enamored with each other.
Meg pecks his lips. “Yep. Whipped and I love it.”
“You can whip me anytime.” He smiles and kisses her again. “Or maybe I’m not whipped and you’re both nuts.” When he smirks my way, I know he’s going to say something stupid. “Speaking of nuts, Mags, think you’ll get to see Dave’s giant package tonight?”
I press my lips together and glare at Meg. “Can you control your boyfriend, please?”
She smacks his arm. “Ben! Maggie’s not like those girls on the second floor.”
We’d all heard the rumors about Second Floor Dave’s Sheridan Hall hookups. If the rumors are true, the second floor is like Dave’s own private brothel. That, and someone put out the word that Dave has a big penis.
I shake my head to erase the image. “I’d be perfectly content to never see another naked boy part. Ever.”
“Uh-huh.” Megan crosses her arms over her chest. “That’s why you practically have a master’s degree in flirtation-ships and read all those sex books.”
“They’re not sex books. They’re romance novels, Megan.”
“They’re pornographic, Magdalena.” She grins and sighs. “And totally hot, don’t get me wrong. I love the one about the Scottish dude and the kilt.”
There are tons of romance novels about Scottish guys in kilts, but I know which one she means. Ah, Niall. So sweet yet so tortured.
“Kilts?” Ben turns to Meg. “You think kilts are hot? I could totally rock a kilt.”
My roommate swoons at her cute but annoying boyfriend. “You’d do that for me?”
“Hell yeah, Smith. Let’s play.” He kisses her. I turn away but can’t help hearing him ask, “What are you gonna wear?”
Not only is Ben whipped but, since we’ve been back from spring break, the two of them are connected at the lips. Even in our most passionate days, Win and I were never all over each other like my roommate and her boyfriend. Again, I try not to be envious. But I wonder what it would feel like to be wanted every minute of every day.
When the slurping intensifies, I walk over and poke them. “Um, hello? Stop swapping spit so we can get back to my problem, please. Think of a way I can get out of this.” Although I’m saying the words, I’m not concerned so much about Dave as I am about the way I felt in his room the other day—out of control and sexed up.
Meg pulls away from Ben and scowls at me. “And break Dave’s heart? I can’t let you do that.”
I shake a finger at her, like my mom used to do to me when I was little. “He was weird, Meg. He doesn’t have a phone. Not to mention I’m not even supposed to be dating. I have this internship coming up, well… hopefully, and I’m going to be gone, you know… hopefully. What’s the sense of starting something new?”
Theoretically, in a few weeks I’ll be leaving for the Pacific Northwest to intern at a world renown animal hospital and research center in Olympia, Washington. Some say it’s the best veterinary learning facility in the world. To get the position, I’ll have to beat out over five thousand applicants. All year, I worked like a dog to keep my grades up. I wrote a kick-ass essay for the application, studied everything available about the hospital prior to my Skype interview, and solicited recommendations from the best professors at the University. Rodrigo even got me a personal stamp of approval from his uncle, the president of NJU. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for that internship.
“Haven’t heard from the Pacific pet people yet?” Ben asks.
I’ve been acting kind of casual about it, even though I’m checking my messages every five minutes. Shrugging, I glance at my phone lying on the coffee table. “Any day now.”
Meg taps his shoulder to get his attention then points to me. “She got the New York one
His face lights up, genuinely happy. Even though he’s a pain in the ass sometimes, I get why Meg loves him. “That’s awesome! Congrats, Mags.”
I thank him. Although I’m psyched I got the New York internship, New York is my “safety” summer. Olympia is the real goal. “Even if I’m in New York, this isn’t the time for me to be dating.”
“Is that what your mother tells you?” Meg knows my mother hates the idea of me dating anyone, anytime. Focus on you, she always says. Since Winston, I’ve been trying to do that. I can’t help that this date snuck into my life. “Your internship isn’t forever, roomie. You’ll be back in a couple of months.”
Ben grabs Meg and talks in her ear, loud enough for me to hear. “We’re only getting rid of her for a few months?”
I throw my empty bottle at him. “Jerk. While you two are hobnobbing with the rich and famous football people all summer, I’ll be working my butt off.”
He tosses the water bottle back at me. I bat it away and drop to my knees next to Meg. Grabbing her thigh, I use the acting techniques I learned from performing in my high school’s winter musical the year before. “What about my heart, huh? Nobody cares about my broken heart. You sit there and push me into the arms of another man to have it stomped on again? After Winston?”
Meg pulls my hand off her thigh and holds it. “We all care about your broken heart, Maggie. And what Winston did was terrible, but maybe Dave can help heal it. You certainly had no problem making him drool the other day. Don’t act like you don’t like the attention.”
I loved the attention. That’s what scares me. “But the rumors—”
“All those rumors about him and his escapades aren’t true. Well, I mean, some of them are probably true, but he’s nice. Trust me.” She shuts off the television and packs up her books. “Tonight will be fine. You’re making his dream come true just by being you and sharing his company for a couple of hours. Try to enjoy being worshipped. You don’t have to fall in love if it doesn’t fit into your summer plan. But at least you’re getting your mojo back.”
My mojo had been on an extended leave until I went to Dave’s room the other day and all my parts woke up. I sigh, defeated. “Fine.”
Ben chuckles. “You should probably do something about that hair.”
I give him the finger but choke back a giggle. “I hate you. You’d look ridiculous in a kilt by the way. So not Niall.”
Megan looks to the ceiling, a hand over her heart. “Oh, Niall.”
He points between Meg and me. “You’ll both forget about Niall when I’m sporting my kilt.” He pulls out his phone and starts tapping away. “You think I can find one online?”
I ignore him and look at my roommate. “We will never forget about Niall, right, Meg?”
In any bucket list conversation, having a Scottish man in a kilt ranks at the top. Unfortunately, they aren’t walking around New Jersey University. “Too bad Nialls don’t exist.”
Meg pouts. I leave her and her crazy boyfriend and walk across the hall to room three to do something about the mop on my head before my contractual date. I’ll have to keep my fem tendencies in check. This is not the right time for me to be dating someone new. I’ll need to control my flirt. The best thing that can happen tonight is a nice dinner, an actual conversation, and then a goodnight peck on the cheek.
No matter what, I’m not going to fall in love.
Chapter 3
Tucker jingles the car keys in front of my face. When I reach to grab them, he pulls them away. “Not so fast, cousin.” He tilts his big, blond head and crosses his arms over his chest, resting them on his belly. Since we’ve been at college, he’s gained about twenty pounds from drinking and eating like crap. “You want Sadie? I want answers.”
Sadie is Tucker’s Mercedes. When my aunt and uncle divorced, Tucker got her as a consolation prize. Thankfully, he’s generous about letting me borrow her. Except tonight of all nights, he’s being a prick.
“I’m not telling you, asshole, so give me the keys before I beat you.”
Since I can’t take Maggie out on the ten-speed, I need Sadie. Maybe idle threats will work. Tuck and I have been fighting for nineteen years—we were born three months apart and grew up as brothers. Most of our fights are from a place of love and usually resolve whatever problem we have. Tonight though, I’m not beating him up while I’m dressed in my date outfit. It’s my only fancy outfit here at school.
Tucker paces a circle around me. “I don’t understand. Judging from your clothes and the fact you want Sadie, you must be going on a date.” He sniffs me. “You even smell good.” He twists his lips, studying me. “I’m perplexed.”
I roll my eyes. Tuck’s always had a flair for the dramatic. “Perplexed?” I sneak attack and grab for the keys again, but he whips them away.
He looks me up and down. “Such motivation from my slacker cousin. David Novak doesn’t have to work for pussy. I can’t remember you going on a date, ever, even though you were always getting laid. What piece of the puzzle am I missing here? Who’s the girl?”
I don’t know if I’d call Magdalena Patrinski a girl. She’s more of a Goddess. I picture her long, blonde hair, not quite straight but not quite curly, and the way her hands felt around my neck the other night. My palms start to sweat. I’m tempted to do a couple shots to ease my nerves, save for the fact that Tuck will give me his car come hell or high water and I’ll be driving.
“Give me the fucking keys.” I grab for them again, and this time he lets me get them.
“Who is it?”
I ignore his question as I shove the keys into one pocket and pull my brand new wallet out of the other. I haven’t carried a wallet, ever, but I thought it would look more mature than whipping out a bunch of crinkled bills. My cash and identification sit securely in the pockets. I debate whether to leave the condom inside. There’s no way I’ll be able to touch Maggie tonight, even in a PG way. My only hope is to form full sentences and not stare like a freak. Physical contact is far off my radar.
Historically, that’s not me. I only used to want the physical contact, not the conversation. With Maggie, tonight, I want to be around her. I’ve been so careful to stay away, to admire her from afar, and tonight I don’t have to. Her eyes and her words will be directed at me. The thought terrifies and electrifies me at the same time.
Tucker won’t give up. He murmurs to himself as he examines me. “You’re dressed up, jumpy as shit, you have money, in a wallet, you need Sadie, and you smell good. What girl would you do this for? The only girl you’ve been interested in all year is Squirrel Girl.” Recognition lights his face as he points at me. “You nailed Squirrel Girl? You lucky son of a bitch! How’d you do it?”
For a split second, I consider lying. Tuck knowing about my date won’t be good for anyone involved. But from his goofy smile he looks convinced already, so I fess up. “I didn’t nail anyone. We’re going out tonight. Don’t be a dick.”
The dumb smile widens. “No wonder you’re all dolled up! She’s like your Holy Grail. Why didn’t you tell me?”
I hear the disappointment in his question, which makes me feel a little bad. I always tell him everything. This was different. “I’m sorry, man. I didn’t want to jinx it.”
Tucker knows the whole story about Maggie—how I noticed her at the library feeding a squirrel, her relationship with Winston, my semi-crazy obsession. He’s been trying to get me to make a move since we found out she and Winston broke up. I never told him the part about bribing Megan for a date with her. “I still don’t believe it’s going to happen, even though I’m supposed to be downstairs in…” I look at the clock on my desk. “Shit! Ten minutes. How do I look?”
Tucker scans me. “Like a sexy beast. What’s your game plan?”
I can’t tell Tuck I skipped classes and spent the entire day reading romance novels in preparation for my date. I bought the three thinnest books on the shelf a
nd snuck them home. I started reading right away, locking myself in and praying Tuck wouldn’t be back. I read them all, and they weren’t terrible. Despite the different types of heroes—an aggressive pirate, an asshole CEO, and an age-defying vampire—there was a definite pattern.
Each of the men fell in love with the girl—like, crazy in love with her—declared their love, and engaged in totally unrealistic sex. For various reasons, they broke it off but eventually got back together for more sex and happy endings. Reading the sex scenes made me horny as shit, and I ended up jerking off in the shower, wondering if the books have the same effect on women. If so, I get it.
During my romance research, I picked up some tidbits. Most importantly, romance appears to center around food and conversation—being wined and dined. The pirate got his girl rum-drunk, the CEO took his woman to the best restaurant in town, and the vampire gave his lady an orgasm by draining and feasting on her blood. Since I don’t plan on getting Maggie drunk or drinking her blood, I went the asshole CEO route and made reservations at a restaurant Megan suggested during breakfast.
I tell him my plan as simple as it is. “City for dinner.”
“Nice.” Tuck smiles in approval. “Do you need cash?”
I shake my head. “I’m good.”
“Sex here or a hotel? Should I be gone?”
“No sex, you dirtbag.”
Tucker scrunches his face, studying me like I’m insane. “You finally get Squirrel Girl to go out with you and you have no plans for sex?”
If Tucker only knew what a disaster I am around Maggie, he wouldn’t be surprised. “I kind of talked Meg into hooking me up for one date. Just one simple date. Like normal people.”
He makes a tsk noise and shakes a finger at me. “Don’t try to trick yourself into thinking you’re normal, Dave.”
“I mean that in a good way. So this is your one chance to impress her?”
I shrug. “I’m going to blow this, aren’t I?”
Tuck chuckles. “Just be yourself, okay? Squirrel Girl will fall right into love with you. They all do. At the end of the day, she’s just a girl. You’re great with girls.”